REELING - A play by Sean Gregory

REELING - A play by Sean Gregory
art by Angela Guyton (Click on image for artists website)

Monday, 26 July 2010


It’s been a fantastic couple of weeks for me; not only as a producer but now I have the chance to flex my performance skills. It has been a challenging rehearsal process not only because the character of Jude has a lot of emotional problems in her life, but also resisting the urge to continue with producing duties. Thankfully Richards’s advice has been a god send. “Let Sean or myself deal with anything that’s needs sorting”. Having past on the duties to Sean it wasn’t until Richard reassurance I was able to let go. Not that I don’t trust that Sean would follow through, (Sean is determined to make this show a success as much as I am) but to hear someone else say ‘its ok, we can do this’ was a relief. Therefore, I pass this advice to any future producer/performer and make sure you have a strong reliable team. I couldn’t ask for any better, than Sean, Richard, Olivia and Joel.

So, from now on I can only mostly comment on the festival from a performer’s perspective. Last night was the preview, which I thought went really well. Louise-Clare gave really good performance and she gave me something to react to, a sign of a good actor. Louise is my sister at least for this week. Josephine, the singer song writer who has provided two songs for our show, was in the audience. I was disappointed not to meet her afterward and I have now learnt the value of getting changed quickly after the show. Josephine EP was released today and ‘I think it was love’ was played on Lauren Laverne’s show, BBC6 Music this lunch time. We are so lucky to be able to promote Josephine and it would be fantastic to get some publicity for our show too. So future producers use your contacts, you never know who might be able to help.

If you’re interested in listening to Josephine’s latest tracks you can find them on her myspace page. (Check out the Link list)

Our first show is tomorrow and I’m so excited. I might be biased but if you enjoy an emotional story this is right up your street!
Thanks to the best team for getting us here.

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